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You've been tricked!

One of your friends has tricked you! The names of all your crushes have been sent to: ()!

Now it's your turn to pull the prank!

Look on the bright side, you can find out your friend's crushes as easily as your friend found out yours! Click here to find out your friend's crushes.

Create your own love prank!

Quick Love Results

Although you were tricked by into revealing your love crush, you can still find a quick love result below. These compatibility results are calculated using numerology.


Compatibility based on zodiac signs...

Creating a Love Calculator

You can create your personal love calculator link which you can share with your family and friends. When they take the love calculator, you will receive their results by e-mail. Sometimes this is useful to find out if your crush is faithful to you or if you secretly admire a person but don't know if s/he likes you back.

When you create your own personal link, you can also get the code for the Love Calculator form to put on your own home page.

Your Name:

Your E-Mail

Serious Love Tests

So you were tricked by into taking this test. However there are also some serious love tests on the Internet which don't share any of your results.

If you'd like to take the original love test which has been available on the web since February 1996, then please go to http://www.lovetest.com

Your weekly horoscope


For each sign you see 7 different sections: a general weekly overview, the love horoscope, a family forecast, your friendship information, some career guidance, current financial news and a last page with several tidbits which don't fit into the other pages.