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Do you know how to kiss?

Larry, do you know how to kiss right? Actually, it doesn't dependent only on you, but also on your partner. There are lots of different kisses: wet and sloppy, warm and sensual, hot and arousing, sweet and short. Do you have the right feeling when it comes to kissing? Is your partner happy with your experience of kissing? Take this test and find out how good you are!

If there are questions that don't really apply to you, think about the time when you were younger.

1. Larry, you watch a couple kissing. One of them looks rather bored. What's she thinking?

"Hopefully nobody's watching."
"I hope I've got him hooked for good now"
She doesn't think about anything and just enjoys it.

2. Has anybody ever told you that you kiss really good, Larry?

Nobody has to tell me as I know it myself.
Nobody ever told me, such a compliment would ruin the whole atmosphere.
It happened to me a couple of times...

3. You have been invited to a party. You are dancing with a really nice girl.Then everybody else starts smooching in dark corners around the house. What about you and your dance partner?

I'll just wait and see what happens.
I leave as soon as I can.
I tell the girl that I'd like to kiss her as well.

4. You buy your dreamgirl a wafer ice cream. You watch her licking the ice cream. Do you think about kissing in that moment?

Sure, if she likes licking ice cream, then she must be good at kissing as well.
It really depends on the way she licks the ice cream.
What does eating ice cream have to do with kissing?

5. You get ready for the first date with your heartthrob. How do you prepare for your first kiss?

There's nothing to prepare. The first kiss should be spontaneous.
I'm thinking about different strategies how to kiss her at the right moment.
I brush my teeth and take a chewing gum, "Life Saver", "Fisherman's Friend" or "Smint".

6. What's the most important thing when you kiss,? What's your opinion? Larry?

The most important thing is the right partner.
The technique/method is the most important thing!
The feeling is the most important for me.

7. Do you remember your first French kiss? Was it good?

It was horrible. She kissed like a wet face cloth.
I've never "frenched" anybody.
Yes, it was very romantic. She was very sensitive and affectionate.

8. You've managed to conquer your dreamgirl's heart. After your first kiss, you are a little bit disappointed. Are you going to drop her?

No, we'll see each other again and practice some more...
Yes, I'm going to drop her. I need a woman who knows how to kiss.
Well, it depends on the next few kisses. If there is no improvement, then we won't go steady.

Larry, all finished? Now that you've answered all the questions, you just need to click the Analyze button to see your results.